Welcome. Here you will find a valuable resource on Attachment Theory, Relationship research and insightful advice from Psychologists and Teachers on the science and wisdom of love.
The website is designed and supplemented with the intention of providing information for creating more fulfilling, meaningful and deeper connections and healthy, loving relationships.

Science and History
Attachment theory is a relatively new scientifict discipline and corpus of knowledge. Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby argued the importance of parental contact at a time when this was barely registered and neglected by western culture and science. It is striking that inquisitive methodology of looking at intimate romantic relationships is perhaps no more than 50 years old.
These links provide information regarding the story, formation, scientists and modern paradigms of attachment theory.

Children and Families
Children are our future and inheritors of the earth. We all have a responsibility for ensuring the best possible environment that nurtures, supports and cares for our children.

Dark Personality
Narcissists, Sociopaths, Psychopaths are persons associated with a callous–manipulative interpersonal style of behaviour and relating.

Sex and Sexuality
Our sexuality and sexual behavior system is integrally connected to our attachment systems and behaviors. Sex, love, connection are interdependent and related in romantic relationships.
Quotes and Passages – 08.01.2024 updated
Couples Therapy